Won Body Won Life

EP 73: 5 Anti-Aging Hacks Explained || WBWL

June 13, 2024 Jason Won Episode 73
EP 73: 5 Anti-Aging Hacks Explained || WBWL
Won Body Won Life
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Won Body Won Life
EP 73: 5 Anti-Aging Hacks Explained || WBWL
Jun 13, 2024 Episode 73
Jason Won

Hey hey! New episode alert!

Last week I talked about arthritic pain relief hacks.

This week I want to continue down a similar path and share 5 anti-aging hacks.

This globally covers exact things I do in my own life to keep my 35 year old self as spry, strong, healthy, and as pain free as possible.

You’ll be surprised, as one of the hacks is related to your grip strength (of all things).

If you’re interested in “hacking” your DNA and reversing the clock on your age, check this episode out here.

P.S. this was repurposed from our Pain Relief Support Group before I had 2 kids! It was a topic I wanted to speak about as I knew having 2 kids could age a parent faster. So truly enjoy this episode and always open to your feedback!

-Dr. Jay

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Interested in working with us? We're looking for healthcare workers, busy parents, and working professionals over 30 who want to eliminate chronic pain from their life so they can enjoy a more active life with their friends & family. We've helped over 550 people find long term success in becoming pain-free. Book a call here to speak with us: https://www.flexwithdoctorjay.co/book

Here's a few other places to find me:

Join my pain relief support group for busy parents to get weekly live trainings by me and access to my free 6 module pain relief course: http://www.flexwithdoctorjay.online/group
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Show Notes Transcript

Hey hey! New episode alert!

Last week I talked about arthritic pain relief hacks.

This week I want to continue down a similar path and share 5 anti-aging hacks.

This globally covers exact things I do in my own life to keep my 35 year old self as spry, strong, healthy, and as pain free as possible.

You’ll be surprised, as one of the hacks is related to your grip strength (of all things).

If you’re interested in “hacking” your DNA and reversing the clock on your age, check this episode out here.

P.S. this was repurposed from our Pain Relief Support Group before I had 2 kids! It was a topic I wanted to speak about as I knew having 2 kids could age a parent faster. So truly enjoy this episode and always open to your feedback!

-Dr. Jay

Support the show

If you benefit from episodes like this, hit that ‘Follow’ button, and leave a 5-star rating on Spotify or Apple. This would really help this podcast to grow and reach more people who could benefit from living a pain-free life.

Interested in working with us? We're looking for healthcare workers, busy parents, and working professionals over 30 who want to eliminate chronic pain from their life so they can enjoy a more active life with their friends & family. We've helped over 550 people find long term success in becoming pain-free. Book a call here to speak with us: https://www.flexwithdoctorjay.co/book

Here's a few other places to find me:

Join my pain relief support group for busy parents to get weekly live trainings by me and access to my free 6 module pain relief course: http://www.flexwithdoctorjay.online/group
Follow on Instagram: https://instagram.com/flexwithdoctorjay
Follow on Tiktok: http://tiktok.com/@flexwithdoctorjay
Subscribe on Youtube: http://youtube.com/flexwithdoctorjay
Case studies on Yelp: http://flexwithdoctorjay.online/yelp
Text me anything: 4159656580

Hey everybody, Dr. Jay here. Very excited. Happy Thursday, by the way. And I just got back from the gym, worked with a few clients, so I'm just very excited because honestly, life's going great. I actually just moved into a new home. If you guys didn't know something is I'm going to be a father of two in the very near future. Thumbs up for that, obviously. And I'm very excited because one thing that really drives me is my family. Another thing that drives me is my clients and the people that I serve in order to help them with their chronic pain issues and helping them to be stronger parents or a stronger person in general. So today I wanted to share something in regards to why I consider myself more of a either a longevity coach or a lifestyle physical therapist is sharing with you guys five anti aging hacks. that I will explain in detail and how you can incorporate that into your life. So if you're excited about the anti aging hacks, comment the word hacks in the comments. We'd love to hear that you're here live and that you're excited to learn about these five anti aging hacks. These don't think of this as like clickbait, for example, I truly think that if you can incorporate these five things into your life that it actually can help you to live longer. I don't think about maybe reversing aging, like you can't reasonably go from 50 and actually reverse the aging. But I think that what you can do is you can turn your lifestyle around, incorporate these five things into your life. And I think that it can help transform a lot of things for you. Okay. So I'm gonna dive into that in just a bit. Before I go into that, I want to share something just really quick about one of my clients here who I wanna tell you a story. So basically she was, she's a, she was a mom. A mom of. And she was dealing with debilitating back pain and then she realized that after having a C section, plus she got an MRI, that she her doctor told her that she had early degeneration in her lower back. So that scared the willikers out of her. She's only, she was only 30 years of age. And one thing that she, one thing that the doctor said was like, wow, it's you're only 30, but you have the spine of an 80 year old. And I don't know why 80 is the number one, like why they pick 80, but I was told the same exact thing when I was 22 years of age. I was in a mall I was stopped by a chiropractic association and they're like, Hey, do you want to do a free postural screen? I was like, yeah, I might, I'm dealing with neck pain myself. So why not? Why not just do this free postural screen? So they screened me, they did a free x ray. And they told me the same thing. They said, wow, it's like, it's incredible that you're not just like falling apart. You're not disabled. You have a spine of an eight year old. So if you ever heard that before, like that obviously creates a lot of fear, uncertainty, and. it leads to early disability, at least a lot of mindset and psychosocial issues that are more negative. You start to think negatively about yourself. You start to second guess the things that your body can do because you have early degeneration. So you shouldn't do anything too strenuous, too impactful. Okay. What I'm going to share with you is anti aging hacks. These are things that. I've incorporated my own life to get rid of my own chronic neck issues. It's what one of my clients who had debilitating pain degenerative early, supposedly early degeneration. She did have a lot of pain, couldn't pick up her child. She was very depressed about it. And just within three days of changing her mindset, giving her a plan of attack incorporating some of these things, she's now able to. Lift her kid. She's able to play with her kid for 30 minutes straight and in the playground, chase, chase her daughter around and not have any pain. So again, I'm going to share with you what these hacks are. Okay. The first one, okay. Number one is you need to incorporate nighttime mobility. Okay. The reason why you incorporate nighttime. And mobility is because the thing here is that you literally depend on your sleep in order to actually live longer. Okay. Research shows that if you actually sleep seven to nine hours that you actually live longer. So the thing here though, is that most people in this group If you are a person that struggles with chronic pain, a lot of people that sleep, they either have trouble going to sleep because their neck or their backwards, or let's say when you go to sleep, you end up waking up with a stiffness somewhere and it disturbs your quality of sleep because when you're trying to go through these stages of like superficial sleep, you're going through deep sleep and REM sleep stages. is that you don't stay within the deep phases of sleep for as long if you're waking up with pain. And so what I found that helped me the most when I was struggling with neck pain in the mornings, I would have a lot of issues and I couldn't like really get my head over the fact that okay like I'm waking up with a lot of pain. is indeed I started incorporating nighttime mobility. So that means that instead of going to sleep watching TV or going to sleep with a cell phone, just being on social media, try to incorporate some sort of mobility routine, at least five to 10 minutes. Cause what you'll notice is that over time what I've noticed immediately after doing nighttime mobility for seven days straight, is my REM sleep went up sky high. I have a smartwatch, the watch generally tracks sleep. And I noticed that I was staying in deeper sleep for a longer period of time. Another benefit is when you do mobility, it activates your parasympathetic nervous system, which is your rest and digest system, basically putting you in a more calm and less anxious state prior to going to sleep. Because if you go to sleep with anger or anxiety or other negative emotions, That can weigh on your sleep or you grind more or creates unwanted tension before you go to sleep Sometimes there's too many thoughts in your head jogging around but when you do nighttime mobility and you think of nothing You don't think of like your work or anything. It clears your mind and activates your Parasympathetic nervous system. It gets your body more mobile to prep yourself for seven to nine hours of just sitting still, right? Because we don't move around. Some of you guys might be tornadoes to be honest, but most of us would go to sleep and we generally don't move a lot. And that's why usually a lot of us would wake up with a stiff back or a stiff knee, a stiff hip neck pain, headaches, right? A lot of us wake up with pain, but when you incorporate nighttime mobility, you don't just sleep more soundly, but you actually wake up feeling better on the right side of the bed. So that preps you for having more energy, more focus, more productivity, being more present. Every single day, if you incorporate, if you start off your night to set up your morning on the right path. Okay. So that's number one, nighttime mobility. Something that's a non negotiable in my life and with a lot of my clients. Number two. Number two is eat more protein. Okay. So a lot of people don't understand how beneficial protein is. Because if protein is the main building block of muscle, not just muscle, but hair, nails, all those things ligaments. So we depend on protein to rebuild these tissues. And if we know intuitively that after the age of 40, that we actually lose 10 percent of our strength and our power output every single decade after the age of 40, then why not try to curb or try to maximize as much muscle as you can. So you maximize muscle by strength training. That's one, that's a given that you guys seen from a lot of my podcasts and Everything. You guys know that strength training, but in order to strength train and to build those muscles, you also need to sleep well and you need to eat protein. So at a bare minimum, if you're strength training, getting at least 0. 7 to one gram per pound of protein is a necessity, especially if you're coming back from an injury, you're coming back from a surgery. Increasing your protein intake per pound of body weight makes even more of a difference. So a lot of my clients, when they under eat protein, they're trying to work out is that their body is just staying in a broken down state. They might be lifting, that might be lifting weights, but the thing is that you don't supply protein to rebuild those tissues. Those tissues aren't going to have greater capacity every time those muscles aren't going to grow. In fact, those muscles can, it can get strained and be more prone to injury. without taking in enough protein. So I personally, I am a 153 pounds right now, and I get in a minimum of 160. Okay. So I'm getting in a minimum of one gram per pound. So if you don't know how to get that, obviously meats, dairies. Certain plant based proteins, obviously protein powders are another thing that I do invest in. So getting in a plethora of different types of proteins, especially meat, if you are a meat eater, getting in again, that protein would be a benefit to you. Okay. So protein is one of the keys to longevity because guess what? If you're not eating protein, you're only losing muscle and losing power and losing strength over time. That's going to lead to early disability. That will lead to functional strength deficits as in you won't be as you won't be walking as fast. You won't be able to lift as heavy of things. You'll be having to stop some of your activities that you're currently doing at a, at an earlier age. So obviously when you're less active, More disabled have less muscle mass that clearly leads to an earlier death, okay? So that's why I'm very big on eating protein and that's just like it may not be a hack to you But I want to put this at the forefront in your head that this is actually a necessary thing to do To focus on. Don't just eat the carbs. Don't just eat the fats. Don't just go low carb and eat veggies all day. Okay, eating veggies with no protein. That's likely going to lead to further arthritis and no muscle game. So diving into number three. Number three is a really interesting one. Okay. Number three. I want you to see if this would spark anything in you improve your grip strength. Okay. Improving your strength overall, building more muscle that leads to a greater longevity in your body, but grip strength. Why is that? Why is grip strength something that's going to allow you to live longer? Okay. So they did small studies on this. Okay. They did short prospective studies on actually, sorry, long term prospective studies on male individuals and they tested their grip strength. They basically, they just had them hang from a bar and see how long they can hold there. And what they realized is that the longer you can hold, the longer you can do a dead hang, which is hanging from a bar, The longer you live and I was pretty excited about that because I've always had a good innate ability to hang from a bar they do say I think it's like If you do I don't know the exact ones, but you could probably look at the article I could find it for you But if you hold I think greater than 30 seconds I think you're better than maybe 60 to 75 percent of the population. I think if you hold for 60 seconds, you're better than 80 percent of the population and that if you can hold a bar, you can hold on to a bar for 90 seconds, which is a minute and a half. You're actually about 90 percent in the 90 percentile of people with best grip strength, which again, good grip strength in duration is associated with Okay. So I, when I, whenever I go outside to my home gym, by the way, I got a home gym now open to be filming more things in that gym for you guys. But when I go to the home gym, I just tested that out and I can still do two and a half minutes. So 150 seconds of hanging from a bar and my grip is pretty fried by then. But again, like I can't say everybody with grip strength, I'm sure there's outliers out there where somebody has incredible grip strength, has type two diabetes, and. Yeah, maybe they'll die at something else. But the crazy thing though, is that improved, improving the duration of your grip strength is very much, it's pretty moderately associated with living longer and expanding your life. So keep that in mind. Check out your grip strength. If you do check out your grip strength and you hang from a bar and you time yourself, come back to this live training. Let me know in the comments. How long can you hold a bar for? All right, number four. We're almost there. Okay. Number four, be grateful. Okay. Be grateful. Wow. Just being grateful. How does being grateful have the ability for you to live longer? Okay. Having gratitude. Okay. Having an abundance of gratitude for everything that's in your life, whatever circumstances that you have. Okay. Whatever socioeconomic status you have, whatever Trials and tribulations that you have be thankful have gratitude. Okay, but not just be gratitude But give you know, not just have gratitude in your life being grateful, but also giving gratitude right being thankful for serving others Okay. I love to serve all of you. I love to serve people on my podcast. I love to serve people through my social media. I love to serve people by talking on these live trainings because I find so much gratitude in helping people helping my clients. Helping, the thousands of people that I have the privilege of helping. When I get to speak with people, it gives me gratitude, okay? Because I know I am doing my best to change somebody's life, to cure somebody's pain to help somebody to live a longer life, which obviously the topic of this is the five Anti-Aging Hacks. So why is gratitude so physiologically, this is what happens? when you have a moment of gratitude. So let's say you're writing your gratitude journal. You're being grateful for your daughter, your son, for being alive, for having the ability to breathe, for having four limbs. Okay. So many people have, are living with disease. So many people live in poverty. So many people they lack certain things that you don't have. So being grateful for what you have, being grateful. actually secretes a hormone that you guys may be familiar with, which is oxytocin. Okay, oxytocin very commonly is when a woman is about to conceive, is that your body secretes Oxytocin, which then allows you to actually vasodilate, promote relaxin and actually allow the baby to push. Okay. So oxytocin has a lot of benefits to pushing out a baby, but also oxytocin even to know it, it is a cellular what is the best way to say this? It's almost like an age reversing hormone. Okay. It, when it comes to cellular DNA, the way that we die is that our DNA is held by by chains, it's held by RNA and basically interweave with each other. So those cells have stability, but as we get older, those cells die off. It's actually a process called apoptosis, which is cell death. So when cells within our body, whether it's muscle cells or even the DNA itself. So whenever cells, especially within the DNA breakdown, that leads to it can lead to a lot of things. It can lead to autoimmune disease. It can lead to it can lead to Alzheimer's. Okay, it can lead to a lot of brain degeneration, Parkinson's, a lot of neural neural diseases. So being gra being grateful actually has been shown to slow down the aging of your DNA. Pretty amazing because whenever you feel good, right? What, what happens when You know what happens when you give a gift to somebody what happens when you didn't have to do something for that person like you didn't have to help that person across the street you help them across the street like an elderly lady and they're like Wow. You didn't have to do that. I want to thank you for that. Okay. Being thankful. Okay. You actually feel good about what you just done. And that secretes oxytocin, which again, doesn't reverse cellular aging, but it slows down the actual aging of your DNA. So it prevents apoptosis. That's a pretty incredible thing to hear. Yeah. Okay. So that's a pop that's slowing age is literally by being grateful. So in order to do that, you can either one start a gratitude journal. That is a great way to that's a great way to end your day with gratitude. So you're always ended the day with some sort of secretion of oxytocin. Pretty incredible. Another thing is just dedicate this entire week. So from today, Friday to next Friday, or even beyond. So for at least one week. For seven days straight, do one good deed for somebody else. Do something that's not of your own selfish greed. Do something for somebody else that you didn't have to do. Okay, think about that. Take somebody out for lunch. Go for a walk with someone. Okay, cook your spouse dinner. Okay, tell your kid that you love them. Those are easy things, okay? So if you do that I'd love to see whether you feel a difference. Is your blood pressure lower? Do you notice that there's less pain? Do you notice that you have a sense of clarity that you didn't have before? Having gratitude, okay? Let's see how that incorporates into your life. Alright, so lastly, okay, this is an overarching thing, number five. Number five is thinking of why, okay, why, or knowing your why, W H Y, okay, so why am I talking to you about why? So knowing your why. It's not about staying motivated, okay, because a lot of people that I hear, especially my clients be like, Hey, Jay, I want to talk to you because I need some spritz of motivation or Jay, I'm listening to your podcast. Because I need some motivation so that I can get back on the horse and start exercising again. So knowing your why, yes, can spark some motivation, but we're not relying on motivation. Rely, we're relying on something so deeply ingrained into us that when we think of that why, it resonates so strongly with us that it catapults us into action. So why, looking at why, so let's talk about that. Why, what do you think about your why? So my why for how I stay consistent. Why I exercise so much because knowing your why is really key because mentally if you have a sense of why you're going to take further action on your exercise, your health, your fitness, okay? Not having a good, having a shallow why as in Okay, I want to strengthen because I want to look good that maybe that may be something that's really important to some people But that's really a really important reason why if anything I consider that shallow. I okay I might look good in the mirror with strengthening a lot But I feel that I resonate more with my body Maybe my busy parents. So like why I strength train so consistently and I exercise so much and I take care of my health is because I never want to say to my son or even my future daughter or even to my wife. I never want to say to my family that I can't. I always want to be the strongest in the family. I always want to be. Having the ability and capacity to do things with them. I always want to be down and be that yes, that I want to be able to say, yes, I'm down to jump off a cliff. I'm down to do some downhill biking. I'm down to go run a marathon with my son as he gets older. So these things, like when I think about those things, it pushes me to tears. It puts me in a place where I want to say, wow, right? I want to get rid of my pain because I want to be more present with my kids. So knowing why is an anti aging hack in itself because it enables you to take more action than what you're currently doing right now. Cause I will even admit like I have clients or I even have people that I work with directly. And then they'll go from month to month. I'd be like, Oh Jay, like I fell off my program. Oh Jay, I am not doing the exercise right now. Because life got stressed out and I say to them, are you resonating with your why? Why did you start this journey in the first place? Why did you want to get in shape in the first place? And then you peel the layers of the onion, right? So it's maybe it starts off with a shallow why. Why do you string train? Cause I want to feel stronger. Why do you want to feel stronger? I want to have more muscle in my body. Why do you want to have more muscle on your body? And why do you want to be stronger? Because I want to do the activities that I love. And I never want that to, I never want that to be taken away from me. And why do you not want your activities to be taken away from you? Because I'll be really unhappy. And if activities are taken away from me. then I'm going to always have to say no to people. I will never be able to get back to the quality of life and happiness that I had 20 years ago before I had all these chronic ailments and disease. So I want To have a more fulfilling life. So you will have your own layers of the onion. You keep just asking yourself why? And when you get to such a core, deep roots of why you want to do what you want to do and why you want to hit your health and fitness goals, you'll start to realize that again, it catapults you to take Massive action and that massive action will allow you to live longer because you're going to be exercising more. You're going to be more consistent. Okay, so just want to recap on what I just told you about. Number one is nighttime mobility, being able to sleep longer because you're having a better nighttime ritual. Number two, eating more protein to preserve your muscle. Number three, improve your grip strength. That was a random one, but I just wanted to share that with you. Number four, gratitude. Being grateful, but also giving gratitude to others. Number five, is thinking of why. Okay? Within all of these, I'd love to hear, definitely if you're listening right now, or you're watching live, is to comment which one of these resonate with you the most. Okay. So if you're watching right now, I'd love to hear which one of these number one, nighttime number two, eat more protein, number three, improve your grip shrink, number four, oxytocin. Okay. Giving gratitude or having gratitude. Number five is thinking of why, which one of these stuck out to you the most, which of these are you're going to incorporate, feel free to list off multiple and why you're listing it off. I'd love to hear. What you have to say. All right. So that's it for what I got today. If you have any questions, feel free to tag me. Feel free to comment any questions that you have. Also, if you're interested in learning how to live longer, having a coach by your side to Get rid of pain issues, be able to get stronger have the ability to say yes all the time and not say no to your family. So just having an overall better, stronger, more resilient body. If you're finally willing to take those next steps, okay, then let me know. Contact me and we'd be happy to help you. All right, I'll see you on the next training and have a beautiful rest of your day. Take care.