Won Body Won Life
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The Won Body Won Life™ podcast is designed for deskbound workers, techies, business owners, and busy working parents (like myself) who want to get more out of their body and life! I'm your host Dr. Jason Won (Dr. Jay), and I've helped thousands of people worldwide get stronger, move freely without aches and pains, and get back to a more active and fulfilling lifestyle. In this podcast, I blend my physical therapy background with researched-based interventions to help you further optimize your body: including sleep, stress reduction, nutrition, productivity hacks, habit formation, and mindset mastery. My overall vision is to help millions live longer, more fulfilling lives by optimizing "Won's" body and mind. Help support by hitting “Subscribe” or “Follow”.
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Won Body Won Life
Would You Die But Also LIVE For Your Kids || WLWB Ep 86
I wanted to ask you something crucial today. It's common to say, "I’d die for my kids," and for most parents, the answer is an easy yes. But here’s the real challenge: would you live for them?
Living for your kids goes beyond just being there—it means making conscious daily decisions to be healthy, active, and present. From choosing good nutrition to exercising regularly, it's about creating memories, not excuses.
Tune in to my latest podcast, where I dive deeper into how we can make choices today to live better and longer for the ones we love. If this resonates with you, share it with someone who needs to hear it, too.
Stay well!
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Hey, so this is Dr. Jay here, and I wanted to go through it. Just a quick question for you guys is would you die for your kids? The saying goes is pretty common. Would you die for your kids? And when you think about it it's pretty simple. It's a pretty simple, quick answer for most parents. The quick answer is yes, absolutely. If my life was on the line, if there was a gun to my head and it was like you had to choose one person, I would clearly choose myself in a heartbeat in order to save my kids. But let me just ask you this quick question here is, would you also live for them? And so we have to think about. The day to day things that we are doing in our lives in order to ensure you to afford to live longer and to create the memories that you deserve. I know a lot of people that say, would you die for your kids? And it's pretty easy to do. But the hard part for a lot of us is actually living for them. Now, let me explain what that means. We go through day to day as if Every day is deserved. Like every single tomorrow, we expect that we're going to wake up tomorrow and everything's going to be okay. But we wait until those things happen to us, whether it's a stroke, a heart attack, whether there's a very serious injury that keeps us away from doing the things you want to do, like playing with our kids or even working to the level that we want to. And I want to say to you, it's those are the decisions that we make on a day to day basis. Are we. exercising enough in order to live longer and in order to have the capacity, the strength, the resiliency, in order to be there for our kids, in order to play with them, in order to, even if your kids are older, in order to participate in the activities that they love to do, or are we settling back and being like, you know what, this is the way that I live my life now. I'm older. I'm more sedentary. This is just the way that things go. We have essentially a divine choice on whether we want to live for them or not. We can make choices on the nutrition that we have. It's so crazy that in life right now, when we're eating things like fruits and vegetables and even eggs and good proteins is that we consider that as like we are dieting since when did good foods become a diet Right. A lot of us are going for the quick process foods. A lot of us are going out out into restaurants and ordering the most satiating salty fried foods. And so those things are considered normal, yet the good and nutritious foods that we should normally be accustomed to eating are considered dieting. Now, when we look at that Is that truly living for our kids? Are we making the right decisions in order to keep our bodies healthy internally as well as externally? So are we doing our bodies a service when, let's say you're a person that sits at a desk for 30, 40 hours, we understand what that can do to our posture. You understand that sitting at a desk Actually decays our health long term, we understand that it actually gets our body feeling tense and decrepit and lack of energy at the end of the day. So why do we choose to sit at a desk when we can start to incorporate, for example, a walking pad, or we can start to incorporate more stretching at work on a routine basis and making that a habit rather than when things start to go. Bad or when we start to feel pain, that's when we decide to do something about it. So my question to you again is we can clearly say to ourselves, would you die for your kids? And we would do that in an absolute heartbeat. There is no doubt about that. And I think that the exact answer to that question too. But my question to you is are you going to live for them as well? Because in reality when we talk about certain people that we've lost in our lives now, whether you've lost an uncle You and auntie, or whether you've lost your own parents, like I have, I've lost my parents due to cancer back in 2008. But those are some of the decisions that potentially my dad made when he wasn't eating healthy, when he decided that, you know what, I don't need to exercise as much as I need to, he wasn't necessarily maybe thinking about whether he wants to live, for the purpose of being able to see our grandchildren. Now, I'm sure that he's looking down on us. In heaven, obviously, but when we're looking at the people that we've lost in our lives, do we want the same for our own kids as well? Do we want to have our kids, have the experiences, have the negative experiences of them having to take care of us? For example, are we going to leave? Our health up to chance to the point where we're not eating rights. We're not choosing the right healthy habits in our lives. We're not exercising consistently. We're not doing the strength training that we need to, we're not going for those daily walks to get away from the desk that causes so much decrements to our health for so many people that sit at a desk now, are we making those. Decisions those day to day decisions in order to create more memories for our children and the people that matter most to us. And so I just want to ask you that, I asked yourself that, today is, will you live for them? Will you be a leader for your kids? And ultimately, will you be a leader for yourself as well? So I wanted to just make this a very quick and short message, whether this gives you some temporary spits of motivation or whether this actually. Potentially, this video here is the catalyst to you finally making those changes to your life. And for the people that matter most to you. So be a leader for yourself, make those daily decisions that are going to engineer forward for your health, make those daily decisions now to choose that you're going to live for your Children and you're going to live for your spouse. You're going to live for the people that matter most because when we're creating Poor memories in the form of whether we have to go to the hospital or whether there's a catastrophic injury that leaves us that leaves us decrepit, that leaves us disabled. Do we want that for our children? Do we want to say, okay, this is the way that I choose to live for my children is being at a place where they have to take care of me. So that's why I want to leave with you guys here. And if you found this helpful or you find that anybody else could use this message here, I'd love for you to send this message to them as well. Okay. Make sure that they are a person that can hear this too. Okay. Knowing that maybe you have not been making the right decisions to live for your children as well. So any case, I'll see you guys on the next On the next training, where we can dive into specific topics around what are certain things that you can do for your health? What are those specific things that you can do at your desk? What are those specific exercises and strength training protocols that you can do to order to institute afford? What can I do to lose weight? And so if you have any questions for me, feel free to drop that into the comments, feel free to drop a message to me, email me at jason@flexwithdoctorjay.Com. Let me know what else you want to hear as well. Take care. Have a good one.