Won Body Won Life
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The Won Body Won Life™ podcast is designed for deskbound workers, techies, business owners, and busy working parents (like myself) who want to get more out of their body and life! I'm your host Dr. Jason Won (Dr. Jay), and I've helped thousands of people worldwide get stronger, move freely without aches and pains, and get back to a more active and fulfilling lifestyle. In this podcast, I blend my physical therapy background with researched-based interventions to help you further optimize your body: including sleep, stress reduction, nutrition, productivity hacks, habit formation, and mindset mastery. My overall vision is to help millions live longer, more fulfilling lives by optimizing "Won's" body and mind. Help support by hitting “Subscribe” or “Follow”.
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Won Body Won Life
Protein: Your Most Important Macro For Better Health || WBWL Ep 92
If you're interested in getting the highest quality protein sent to your door with an amazing no return guarantee, use code DOCTORJAY at www.legionathletics.com to get 20% off your entire order.
Right now, they have a Black Friday sale good til December 8th, 2024 (plenty of time from when this podcast episode was published).
You'll also get:
- Free $10 Gift Card on Orders Over $99
- Free $20 Gift Card & Book on Orders Over $149
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Anyways, I want you to get some protein, and for good reason! It's the god of macros and its not just for muscle building purposes.
Hope you enjoy this quick 10 minute podcast episode in your car or on your daily walk. Since legitimately eating 1 gram per pound of protein for a full 2 years now, I've lost 25 lbs to date, have gotten incredibly stronger, I have very few "low energy" days, and I've stayed pain-free through the 2 years.
Focusing on the amount and quality of protein you eat can be a huge difference maker for your health. Try it! And ideally, take advantage of the Black Friday deal by using code DOCTORJAY at www.legionathletics.com.
If you benefit from episodes like this, hit that ‘Follow’ button, and leave a 5-star rating on Spotify or Apple. This would really help this podcast to grow and reach more people who could benefit from living a pain-free life.
Interested in working with us? We're looking for healthcare workers, busy parents, and working professionals over 30 who want to eliminate chronic pain from their life so they can enjoy a more active life with their friends & family. We've helped over 550 people find long term success in becoming pain-free. Book a call here to speak with us: https://www.flexwithdoctorjay.co/book
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The god of macros is protein. So why do I consider protein the god of macros? So if you actually look at the Greek terminology, protein actually means of utmost importance. The other term that it actually means is a first rank. So why do I perceive that protein is the most important macronutrient of all time? So I'm going to lay out specifically what protein is, Exactly how much you should consume and also some of the benefits on why you should be taking protein as well, okay? So if you did have any interest in getting protein and let's say you don't aren't getting enough right now What you could do is go to flexwithdoctorjay.online/legion And what you'll do is you can use the code Dr. J D O C T O R J A Y. And what you'll do is you go to legionathletics. com and you will be able to get 20 percent off, off your entire purchase. So there are protein cookies, protein bars, and protein supplementation and powders, which I think are all great. Amazing. They taste great. And also third party back. They're all based on research. And plus you also have a no return money back guarantee. So go to Flexor Dr. J dot online slash Legion and use code Dr. J on all your protein supplements. Why I consider protein still the king of macros is because protein is something that preserves our entire body. When we look at our skin, our ligaments and every tissue in our body, it's all made of protein. We're all made of. Essentially amino acids of our body and protein is also essential for muscle growth and also recovery from workouts, okay? So if you are looking at Trying to recompose your body you're trying to build muscle you're trying to even eliminate pain for example you need to be able to build enough muscle to support a lot of the ligaments and a lot of the areas of body and bulletproof that through muscular growth. And what we also perceive that as muscular growth is also known as hypertrophy, which is increased growth of tissue. Okay. So how much protein do you need to be getting in? This is a very common question that I get. So for the average individual, any sort of person that's sedentary, not necessarily exercising a lot, you really only need 0. 35 to 0. 45 grams per pound of body weight. So that's, for even some people, they're not even getting that, okay? And there's a lot of people that I know that are severely under eating protein, people that I see in my clinical practice, that oftentimes are, Eating much less protein oftentimes come in with more chronic pain. They have more brain fog They have a lot of issues going on in their body. They have a lot of digestive issues For example, and if you think about it this way is that protein does increase something called the thermic effect of food Which is one aspect of caloric output So the aspects of caloric output are like your genetics, which is there your basal metabolic rates You also have something called NEAT, which is Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. Okay, you also have exercise activity, which is essentially, it's your planned exercises, which is a workout in the gym or it's a concerted walk or a concerted run. And then you have something called your TEF, which is your Thermic Effect of Food. That is essentially the amount of energy necessary to break down the food that is going into your body. Okay. So while you're ingesting food, you are increasing your calories, but there is a certain amount of energy output that is necessary in order to break down that food. So the food that's hardest to break down is essentially it's protein. So that comes in the form of poultry eggs. You have tofu, you have a lot of different types of protein sources out there. Just look that up, or I can link that down below, but. You have these protein sources that when you're eating protein, if you're eating a piece of chicken or steak, is that it takes a lot of energy in order to break that down. And also, because of the requirements that you need, at least 0. 35 grams per pound, is that when you're breaking down this protein, you're converting a lot of those you're essentially breaking those proteins down into amino acids, and those amino acids are distributed throughout the entire body to the areas that need it, essentially tissue repair. And we have, we need tissue repair across many Aspects of our body, not just our muscles, but also our organs. A lot of our fascia, all that is based off of protein. So when we're not eating protein, we're essentially making your body much weaker and more susceptible to stress. And injury, for example. Okay. So if you're somebody that is actually working out consistently though, you want to be getting in a consistent 0. 8 to one gram per pound of body weight. Okay. Now, if you are somebody that's obese the calculations are a little different. Some general rules according to research are if you're five foot eight, but you're extremely obese is that essentially just Take your your height in centimeters, and that is essentially a rough gauge of how much protein you should be actually be getting, okay? So if you're not getting enough protein, you're essentially, you are essentially not getting in the essential nutrients that are necessary for tissue repair, muscle regeneration, immune function, you're leaving a whole lot of health off the table when you're not getting enough protein. And if you look at for example, fats, there is a certain amount of fat, but fat is essentially, it's not it's an, it's essential, but it's not as essential as protein. Fats, if you look up the Greek it's lipos, and then lipos, essentially, it's fat. But fat is necessary in certain amounts. Generally, about 30 percent of our calories should come from fat, and that's necessary for just general Organ function as well as our brain is made up of a lot of fats. So we want fat in order to preserve our brain, preserve certain areas of our body and protect our organs. But as well as fat also has essentially certain vitamins that we need, which are vitamin A, D, E, and K. And those are essential vitamins that we really can't make on our own. So therefore we need to get that in the form of fat. Carbs. We all know that carbs, if you look at the Greek there, carbs essentially just means sugar. Okay, and we need a certain amount of sugar for for overall performance. We need that in order to burn energy. But at the same time, excess amount of carbohydrates can be converted to fat. Excess carbohydrates can lead to potentially pro inflammatory markers. And also, carbs essentially as well. Can lead to pre diabetes, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, mellitus. So we generally don't want to be eating excessive amount of carbs unless we're actually utilizing those carbs in the form of exercise. But, like I said, protein, if you look at the Greek, of utmost importance, first rank, you really can't, you really can't fight those terms. We essentially, almost all my clients that I see that start to increase their protein intake, have all noticed either improved energy output, improved recovery from workouts. When you're looking at somebody that's working out, that's not getting enough protein, they're essentially, they're either injuring themselves repeatedly their body is broken down the next day, they're not recovering fast enough from their workouts, and this can often lead to something called central nervous system fatigue. And also again, we are leaving our body more susceptible to stress or injury or strain or sprain or tearing something when we're not getting enough protein. If our body is essentially composed of millions of cells of protein, why not get more? And if you're looking at, Some of the research out there on if you're getting in excessive amounts of protein unless you're getting like 1. 2 to 1. 5 grams of protein There's a lot of research to show that Most people most healthy individuals can safely get in upwards of two grams per pound and have no deleterious effects to their body the only Probably things that you might want to be concerned about Or if you have chronic kidney disease or kidney failure, maybe that, maybe you want to hold off on certain types of proteins, but nonetheless, in order to preserve the health of every tissue, every organ, every cell of your body, we need more protein in our body. So that's why I consider protein essentially the god of macros. And like I said, if you are not getting enough protein please, definitely search up Flexure Doctor Data online slash legion, put in my code Dr. J and see, essentially get in the 20 percent discount and get in the protein that is necessary. However, as well, you can also look up things like the DIA score D I A S. If you look at the DIA score, you can see the types of qualities of protein out there and make sure that you're getting essentially the highest quality of protein which essentially, if you're anything above a a number of one essentially is the highest level of protein out there. So definitely look up the diet score and make sure that you're getting the right quality of protein because not all proteins are essentially created equal. Okay? But if you have any other questions around protein or around nutrition, definitely let me know. You, there's a few ways to reach out to me. You can either DM me@flexwithdoctorjay on Instagram, TikTok. A whole bunch of places. If you want direct, you want to direct text us directly feel free to text us, 415 965 6580. You can also email us at jason@flexwithdoctorjay.com. And also give us feedback or ask more questions around why protein might be the right macronutrient that you might be missing out on. But also, if you did enjoy this episode, definitely leave a five star review on any major podcast. Also leave a written review if you feel that you got a lot of value out of this. Why you might give a five star review or write a review is so that anybody that puts in certain keywords around pain, injury, health in general, my podcast will be able to reach more people and you'll be Helping me impact more people's lives. So that's what I got for today. If you have any other specific questions, again, drop us a message, and I'll see you guys on the next one.